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Events Concerts & Festivals in the Open Air

Concert of Keiko Matsui

REF NR: 32099
  • 11
Концерт Кейко Мацуи
Сoncert Keiko Matsui , which takes place on March 8th at 19:00 in the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Keiko Matsui - an artist stateless.

Relentlessly touring, she tries to get her creativity in every corner of the world. Keiko Matsui Music knows no boundaries and mixing musical influences have made it truly unique. "Music is boundless and creates unity among the people", - assured the Japanese pianist and composer.
Mar 08 2016 @ 19:00
Next: Mar 08 2016
Venue: Teatrul Naţional de Operă și Balet
Start Date/Time: 19:00

Contact Details

Moldova, mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău
Center, Bld. Stefan cel Mare si Sfint, 152
