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Lectures from CYB in the B2B

REF NR: 26841
  • 40
Lectures from CYB in the B2B
From the 1st to 3rd of October in the B2B exhibition in 'MoldEXPO' a Club of young businessmen will hold four free training events.

October 1st 17:00 - 18:00 - Business Caffee / Sales without complexes. Do you think that the statement "There is no product that cannot be sold" is far-fetched? Hence, the stated theme is for you.

October 2nd 16:00 - 17:00 - Workshop Room / What you need to know about receivables and how to recover debts "Money in the morning - chairs in the evening ", - with such an approach it is difficult to achieve rapid sales growth and loyal customers.

October 3rd 11:00 - 12:30 - Workshop Room / How to use the site properly to increase sales. Do you still not have a website? If yes, you're still not visible to thousands of potential buyers. You have a site, but it does not give the desired results? In both cases, this workshop is for you.

Pre-registering online or call 079646609

Eentrance to the exhibition is free.
Start: Oct 01 2014
Next: Oct 03 2014
End: Oct 03 2014
Venue: International Exhibition Centre MoldEXPO
Ticket Cost: free

Contact Details

Moldova, mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău
Buiucani, St. Ghioceilor

(+373 22) 810 419
(+373 22) 810 416
(+373 22) 810 462

(+373 79) 646 609
